Hey, Gov, it’s safe to come home. How about a couple of questions?

by | May 17, 2013 | Editor's Blog, NC Politics, NCGov | 1 comment

Okay, Governor, it’s safe to come home now. Crossover ended and they weeded out most of the  really crazy stuff. Now, it’s just a bunch of really bad bills. Good maneuvering, though. We still don’t know what you believe or where you stand but that good-looking smile is still in tact.

Now, members of the press, the sideshow has ended, or at least taken a break. Go find out a little bit about the governor. We know that the legislature is full of people who believe that the Second Amendment is the only one that counts, but we don’t know where the Chief Executive stands on much.

For a guy who came into office pledging transparency, McCrory has been remarkably opaque. He slipped off to New Orleans this week and said he’s not sure when he’s coming back. Oh, and, by the way, he’s not going to be releasing his daily calendar anymore. So does that mean that Lt. Governor Dan Forrest is acting governor?

And a few other questions. What does McCrory think about his Secretary of Public Safety continuing to work at his old law firm? And what does he think about the fact that Secretary Kieran Shanahan’s wife is a lobbyist who apparently works out of Shanahan’s law office? Why should we take Shanahan’s word that there is no conflict of interest? Shouldn’t he disclose his clients?

Does Gov. McCrory agree with Secratary of Health and Human Services Aldona Wos assertion that Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin rejected the expansion of Medicaid?

And what about Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources John Skvarla’s skepticism about the science of climate change? Does McCrory agree with him?

There are more questions like, does McCrory believe Shariah Law is a threat? Unfortunately, nobody is asking them. So, members of the  fourth estate, it’s time to shift focus from the legislative branch to the executive branch for a little while. Find out what our governor’s been up to and what he thinks about the shenanigans that have defined this session of the legislature. We know he’s got a great smile. We need to know what, if anything, is inside that head.

1 Comment

  1. debbie

    he can’t come home until the puppet master tells him to.

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