How Senate Republicans Shattered a Citadel and Liberated Trump

On March 2, 1805, a little more than a year after he killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel, Vice-President Aaron Burr departed the capitol extolling the U.S. Senate in elegiac terms. He called it “a sanctuary; a citadel of law, of order, and of liberty; and it is here –...
The Next Trump

The Next Trump

Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton has carved out a unique niche in the landscape of Trump-era conservatism: the intellectual bomb-thrower. A Harvard graduate and former fellow at the esteemed Claremont Institute, he has developed a split persona as right-wing policy thinker...

Waterloo for social conservatism

Waterloo for social conservatism

Since the boiling cauldron of the 1960's reawakened an assertive religiously conservative faction, social conservatism has played a potent role in North Carolina and American politics. Politicians such as Jesse Helms, Richard Nixon and George W. Bush rode socially...

Learning and Unlearning Racism

Learning and Unlearning Racism

“South Pacific” opened in 1949 and became one of Broadway’s longest running hits. It features Nellie Forbush, a Navy nurse from rural Arkansas stationed on a South Pacific island who falls in love with a sophisticated French planter, Emile De Becque. She rejects his...

NC on the Brink

NC on the Brink

It’s ironic that during one of the prettiest springs North Carolina has had in years, COVID-19 is wreaking havoc in our state. A million people are out of work and hundreds are dead. “Normal” is a half-forgotten memory, and we’re calling into question what new...

Go ahead, take Columbus down

Go ahead, take Columbus down

The growing push to remove monuments to the Confederacy has metastasized to statues of Christopher Columbus. Protesters in Richmond and Minneapolis toppled statues of the Genoa explorer, and a monument to him in Boston was beheaded. The beheading, in my view, was the...

What to watch in 2020

What to watch in 2020

Ever since 2016 at least, politics seems to pervade daily life more than ever before. Tweets and articles and updates on the news are inescapable. Unless you dedicate yourself to the task, it’s nearly impossible to go a day without seeing the current president or one...


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