Franken is just the beginning

by | Dec 8, 2017 | Editor's Blog, sexual harassment | 4 comments

Yesterday, Democrats essentially forced Al Franken to resign his Senate seat. The move comes just days after the House leadership forced Democratic Congressman John Conyers from his seat. Republicans, in contrast, have endorsed a child molester in the Alabama Senate race and have protected a president who admitted to sexual assault on tape.

And this is just the beginning. According to rumors in the Capitol and on twitter, the Washington Post and CNN are investigating 20 to 30 Members of Congress for sexual harassment or assault. Democrats have set a standard that will put pressure on any Senator or Congressman facing credible charges to resign. Republicans, for their part, will have a very difficult time holding their members accountable because any calls for resignation will inevitably question the double standard for Trump. Just look at the case of Congressman Blake Farenthold. He’s been accused of sexual harassment and apparently settled one claim but only two Republican Members of Congress, both women, have called for his resignation.

To his credit, North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis said yesterday that if Roy Moore wins the Alabama Senate race on Tuesday, he should face an ethics investigation as soon as he’s sworn in. By that standard, Senator Tillis should call on an investigation into the president or explain why he won’t. Still, we should applaud Tillis for speaking up.

If the reports about the investigations are true, political news for the next few months will continue to be dominated by sexual harassment and abuse cases and the #metoo movement. The political environment could be upended. A bevy of resignations would be followed by a bevy of special elections. That will almost certainly influence the 2018 elections. Members of Congress elected in special elections and with virtually no experience will be vulnerable, regardless of party.

Democrats are betting that their more principled stand will draw people to the party, or at least discourage people from supporting members of a party that enables sexual abuse. Republicans take a far more cynical approach, believing that increasing their majorities by any means necessary is better than losing politically. A lot of their gerrymandered districts reflect the regressive nature of the state of Alabama and the party will clearly stand with the morally reprehensible over the principled politician to increase their power.

Be prepared for a rough ride. The next few weeks will probably expose a number of icons and political heroes. We’ll find out if this is just a moment or a revolution. Will we change our standards of acceptable behavior or will the movement fade? Will the powerful continue to be held accountable and how high will that accountability reach?



    There are so many things that come to mind when thinking about how to respond to political events these days… “Witch hunt” is probably not the term one should use despite circumstances appearing eerily similar. “Blow back” is another; however, with the ‘Everest’ of sexual peccadillos in office being Bill Clinton that would suit Democrats I’m sure. “Reckoning” is useful but only in that archaic “tit for tat” sense. Wait, did I just say that? I guess that’s another one of those throwaway cliches that doesn’t miss far from the mark.

    Which leads one to ponder – what is the ‘mark’? Any great social awakening is often spontaneous, gut-wrenching, and emotional. One pundit recently used the word ‘hysteria’ to the chagrin of his female co-hosts. But whatever dimensions you allow these awakenings can start out innocently enough until the more clever among us steer the angst to some other purpose. Is this the alternative path to impeaching Trump for instance? A moral sword cuts both ways however.

    There are men among us who have not wagered ‘making a pass’ at a woman he may fancy. One would think that past mastery of making a pass has now ignominiously come back to haunt most men presently. What’s being left out of the conversation is whether or not women still wish to receive a ‘pass’ or whether they (like praying mantises) are the ones who reserve the option so to speak. Is an ‘unwanted advance’ just another word for a ‘pass’ not granted?

    None us wishes to live lives of moral turpitude. But from behind the veil of ignorance no one appears presently to believe the yoke around Franken could just have easily been borne by another beast of burden. And what are we to think about successful women who enjoy rank and power today by marrying important men? What about those stories (and we’ve all heard them) where a talented young professional woman has slept in the right beds to advance her career? Is that consensual? One active candidate for political office cited “not having a penis” as her qualification on television. But we all know if she really wanted one it would be ok also (if John Rawls is to be believed)…

    Identity politics is a slippery slope.

  2. Ernest Lunsford

    To overcome what?

  3. james

    Applaud Tillis for what? The chances that an ethics investigation by a Republican senate result in anything of any substance are approaching zero, and the only thing to be gained by such an exercise is a fig leaf for the GOP hide behind. Witness the absolution of Devin Nunes. This will end exactly the same way, and Tillis knows it. He wasn’t sticking his neck out; if anything he was saving Moore’s neck from the noose. Tillis has always had a gift for triangulation. This is no different. He is a cardboard cutout of a human being, seemingly born and bred for the express purpose of servicing the aristocracy (by whatever definition of “service” you choose to use). And he knows that majorities in Congress must be maintained at all costs for the duration of this administration.
    For the record, Burr is even worse, and more dangerous for his seniority.

    • Apply liberally


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