The boys club

by | Sep 17, 2018 | Editor's Blog | 1 comment

Republicans should sit back and carefully consider their move on Brett Kavanaugh. He’s been credibly accused of attempted rape when he was a high school student 35 years ago and the accuser now is willing to testify before Congress. Instead of listening to her, they’re questioning her honesty and blaming Democrats for bringing up the accusations at the last moment. If they approve Kavanaugh without fully vetting this incident, they will likely face a backlash from white women for years to come.

Last year, Democrats forced Al Franken to resign his Senate seat over sophomoric  behavior. Now, Republicans are attacking a woman who claims Kavanaugh assaulted her in high school and taking the judge’s word over hers without question. They want to rush through the appointment of a second Supreme Court Justice accused of gross sexual misconduct. The differing approaches of the two parties is striking and women will take notice.

The GOP is quickly becoming the party of white men with narrow world views at a time when our government needs broader perspectives. The country is becoming more diverse while the Republican Party is become more homogenous. Under Trump, the party has lost the opportunity to attract any minority voters and now they are about alienate white women voters.

Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, did not want to come forward because of how the publicity would negatively affect her life. She reported the incident to her Member of Congress and her Senator, asking for anonymity, before Kavanaugh was even nominated. Now that she has come forward, Republicans are fulfilling her fears, believing Kavanaugh’s denials before listening to her story. Too many women will identify with Dr. Ford’s experience.

Republicans seem to come at their defense of Kavanaugh from several angles. Most just say they believe Kavanaugh without really giving Ford’s account the time of day. Others say that it was years ago and that Kavanaugh was just a teenager. You know, the “boys will be boys” defense. Others point to the timing, saying the accusations should have been made earlier, but Republicans have lost any credibility on timing since they held the Scalia seat vacant for more than year. Clearly, there’s no rush to appoint a Supreme Court Justice.

The party that cheered Al Franken’s resignation but backed accused sexual predator Roy Moore is accusing Democrats of playing politics. It’s not believable, especially to women. If Republicans confirm Kavanaugh without firmly putting to rest these accusations, the GOP will lose the trust of women and cast doubt upon the credibility of the Supreme Court for decades to come.

Republicans clearly don’t understand the changing political environment and the #MeToo movement. If they don’t figure it out soon, they might pay a price at the ballot box for a generation. Right now, women are ascendant.

1 Comment

  1. cocodog

    The old saying what happens in high school stays in high school does not apply in cases where an individual is seeking a life time appointment to the highest court of the land. The Court is not a “Good Old Boys Club.”

    This Kavanaugh high school business bothers me and others. Such antics by an intoxicated high school student at a party are not acceptable by any standards.

    But I believe we are overlooking other significant issues. Kavanaugh has published articles where he says Roe and related cases are bad law. Roe decided in 1973 limited the government’s intervention into women’s lives on matters of health. Kavanaugh disagrees with these decisions. His lack of objectivity should be grounds alone to deny him a seat.

    Moreover, Kavanaugh entertains the notion a sitting president is above the law. He shall not be answerable for wrongful conduct. Such a belief would have put Kavanaugh in good standing with the Kings of England, a group of rascals this country looked to rid ourselves of by revolution.

    Sovereign immunity has its place in modern law, but not to the extent Kavanaugh envisions it.

    The president of the united states should be answerable for criminal conduct not shielded.

    Al Franken made mistakes. He took the honorable path by resigning. Kavanaugh should follow his example by withdrawing.

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