Just doing his job–and a lot more

Just doing his job–and a lot more

A number of progressives are complaining about Attorney General Josh Stein defending the voter ID law in court. They should get over it. He’s just doing the job he was elected to do.  No attorney general agrees with every law he or she has to defend, but the job...
Voter suppression, not voter ID, is the big problem

The fraudulent argument for voter ID

Nobody was too surprised that the voter ID amendment passed in November. The argument for voter ID is easy. We need photo IDs to do a lot of things besides voting. We need them to get into bars. We need them to pick up prescriptions from pharmacies. To people who...
Rigging the constitution

Rigging the constitution

The NCGOP is rolling out a cynical plan to boost Republican turnout in November. They’re loading up the ballot with constitutional amendments intended to motivate their base. They’re mostly bad ideas designed to lock in conservative principles that will harm working...


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