Invading Asheville

Invading Asheville

Big government Republicans have begun another assault on Asheville and democracy. They’ve been trying to take control of the Asheville city council since former Senator Tom Apodaca’s ill-fated attempt to redistrict it a few years ago. Back when they first got control...
Defined by race

Defined by race

In response to an opinion piece by Michael Jacobs in today’s News & Observer. Dear Mr. Jacobs, I agree with you. I have no idea why the News & Observer would ask somebody who relies on straw men and hyperbole to write a monthly column. Like you, I don’t...
Historical context

Historical context

My great-grandfather, George Stephens, lived a remarkable life. He was born in 1873 near Summerfield in Guilford County into a family of excommunicated Quakers. His father died when he was very young and was raised by his mother. An outstanding athlete, he attended...


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