It all started here

It all started here

Yesterday, a group of 100 scholars issued a statement saying that our democracy is at risk. This weekend, Texas tried to pass a voter suppression law that would restrict access to the ballot and allow officials to overturn election results based on accusations of...
Supreme Court: Minority rule 1, democracy 0

Supreme Court: Minority rule 1, democracy 0

One party clearly wants to disenfranchise voters. Republicans in numerous states are fighting to prevent boards of elections from counting votes that were cast on or before election day. North Carolina is one of those states. Republicans here want to stop the state...
Gerrymandering makes hypocrites on both sides

Gerrymandering makes hypocrites on both sides

On Monday, the three-judge panel hearing North Carolina’s redistricting cases handed down two consequential decisions in the span of a few minutes. The first upheld the new legislative maps drawn by the general assembly. The second required the legislature to draw new...


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