Products of gerrymandering

Products of gerrymandering

The Supreme Court of North Carolina struck down the state’s heavily gerrymandered districts that would have given Republicans at least ten, and possibly eleven, of fourteen Congressional seats. The legislative redistricting might have given the GOP veto proof...
Moving Primary target

Moving Primary target

Republicans in the Senate are voting today to delay the primary yet again. They’re making plans to ensure that they can redraw legislative and Congressional districts in the event that the Supreme Court finds their districts unconstitutional. The current schedule...
Off again

Off again

The filing date is off again. Late yesterday afternoon, the Supreme Court of North Carolina ordered primaries delayed pending review of the case against the districts. The primaries will be held on May 17 and filings have been frozen, but anyone who has already filed...
Judicial whiplash

Judicial whiplash

If you’re watching the redistricting court cases in North Carolina, you may suffer from whiplash. And it might not be over yet.  On Friday, a three-judge panel of Wake County Superior Court judges ruled that filing for legislative and Congressional seats could move...
Undermining democracy

Undermining democracy

I’ve been trying to avoid watching too much of the redistricting debate because I know what Republicans are going to do. They will maximize their advantage to rig the elections for themselves. Democrats, who are in the minority in both houses of the legislature, are...


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