Party of personal irresponsibility

by | Apr 22, 2020 | coronavirus, Editor's Blog | 11 comments

ReOpenNC had their second protest in Raleigh yesterday. It turned out to be little more than GOP political rally full of politicians and speeches. Trump paraphernalia and MAGA gear were on proud display. A large contingent of folks wore “Run, Forest, Run” t-shirts to show their support for Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest. Republican Congressman Dan Bishop walked through crowd handing out pocket editions of the constitution. 

Social distancing rules were out the window. Republican lieutenant governor candidate Mark Robinson moved through the crowd shaking hands and hugging people, registering his disdain for the warnings about the virus. One protester said, “They don’t need to shut down the economy and use scare tactics. Just use common sense.” Of course, common sense would have kept her out of a crowd of people in the midst of a global pandemic. 

Apparently, protesters believe that the virus isn’t as deadly or contagious as medical experts say. They believe politicians are lying to them for vague and nefarious reasons. They are also probably the people who believe Fox News and Donald Trump, not people who study the diseases. One sign read “We are not N.Y.” as if people in North Carolina have stronger immune systems. They believe the limited number of cases is due to overblown concerns, not a result of the measures we’ve taken. 

Counter protesters lined the street dressed in scrubs and masks. These are the health care workers risking their lives to treat people with the deadly disease. The pro-CIVID protesters screamed at them, calling them liars. One woman held a sign that read “Scam-demic.” 

According to polls, these protesters are still in the minority. About 60% of the people worry that we will open up society too soon while only 32% think we will wait too long. Those numbers will inevitably change but for now the protesters are out of sync with the majority of the country. Experts say lifting the restrictions across the country now could result in hundreds of thousands of deaths. 

Republican politicians have either pandered to the pro-COVID groups or remained silent. The Republican lieutenant governor of Texas tells us, “There are more important things than living.” The party of personal responsibility is proving that it has none. Educated Republicans know that the virus is deadly and they know that lifting restrictions right now will result in an increase in new cases and more deaths. They have become the party of cowards, unwilling to speak truth to power or rebutting the disinformation being spewed from Fox News. 


  1. Kent Misegades

    I was there. Counter-protesters did not line the street. I saw three of them but wasn’t sure what they were trying to say as they we silent. The press and sone of the police also did not observe social distancing. I spoke with a number of the police and got the impression they supported the protest. In my Moore County we have an infection rate of 0.067% of the population, about the same as Wake County. The CDC estimates 3%-15% of the entire population gets the flu annually. Covid-19 is a hoax fueled by a hatred of our President and all who support him. We live near the SC border and gladly spend our free time and money in a state with a thinking governor with a backbone. Planning a beach trip to Georgetown this week.

  2. Greg Dail

    So what’s the end game Mr. Mills? Shut down the NC economy until such time as there’s nothing left? We’ve had less than 500 deaths, the overwhelming majority the old and infirm. Sad but sadly unavoidable… old people tend to die. But what about the living? What about the increased alcoholism, drug abuse, lost jobs, missed mortgage payments, homelessness, divorce and on and on this shutdown is causing?
    The protester is right, this ain’t NY and we should not be attacking this problem like we live in large city. But if Raleigh, Durham and Charlotte want to continue that’s fine, but not where I live (NTB).

    • Randy Guptill

      Mr. Dail: Please provide us with a list of your older family members you are willing to sacrifice.

  3. Rich Taylor

    DRD would say: “additions” -> “editions”

  4. Mike Leonard

    Somebody needs to tell the yahoos at these ‘astroturfed’ rallies — waving assault rifles and Confederate flags — that bullets won’t stop the virus. Suckers doing the bidding of greedy plutocrats.

  5. Joshua Horn

    I take it you weren’t in Raleigh yesterday, as your statements are skewed at best, untrue at worst. Wasn’t “full of … speeches” as you say, I was there and didn’t hear any speeches. Social distancing was not “out the window.” Plenty of people tried to follow them, though some certainly did not. Counter protesters didn’t “line the streets.” There were maybe a dozen of them, with the news cameras right in front of them. The protesters as a whole didn’t scream at them. A few certainly did. There are bound to be bad apples in a group of 1000+. I bet most of the rest of us thought their actions were rude and wrong.

    • Ellen Jefferies

      Mr Horn,your comment suggests you didn’t read the post OR your reading comprehension s lacking

  6. Rick Gunter

    This spectacle is so sad. The only thing reasonable people can do is sit back and watch (and fear) the coming onslaught of more sickness, more deaths, and more anger. Of course the moronic protesters will blame the Democrats or thunder anew, “Lock her up.!” Perhaps their GOP political friends, that spineless, complicit bunch, can call another hearing into Hillary’s emails.

  7. NAWilson

    It matters not if one agrees or disagrees with the current science and advice from health care professionals. Anyone who would risk his/her life to determine whether the professionals are wrong are, in my opinion, certifiably insane. These people can demonstrate all they want, but in the end, many of them will find out the hard way that their decisions not to keep a six foot distance and not to stay at home and stay out of crowds may well cost them or some of their loved ones their lives.

  8. Jay Ligon

    Disdain for facts and science is not a shield against viral infection. You may disagree with gravity, but gravity doesn’t care. You may wish there were no cancer, but cancer doesn’t care. Covid 19 is highly contagious and lethal. You may wish it weren’t so, but it is. Fox News and Republicans have blood on their hands. Some people attending these rallies will get sick by mid-May and some will die These rallies are terminal ignorance on parade.

    • Norma Munn

      “Terminal ignorance on parade” is the best description I have seen. Of course, they do have a outstanding example in their leader in the White House.

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