Republicans on the move

by | Aug 4, 2023 | Editor's Blog | 16 comments

There’s a lot going on right now so I may ramble.

First up, Dan Bishop is running for attorney general. It’s no surprise and I’ve written about it before. Bishop is an amoral man. He spread the Big Lie, voted to overturn the election, and would have followed Donald Trump down any treasonous road he took. He has no respect for the Constitution or democracy. He’s not somebody with whom to have a friendly disagreement. He’s someone to be vehemently opposed. 

Bishop promoted crazy Lauren Boebert, was an early funder of the antisemitic, right-wing social media site Gab, and authored the so-called “Bathroom bill” written to demean transgender people. Bishop “otherizes” people. He uses division as a political tool and demonizes people with less power and influence. He has no respect for diversity and carries a limiting view of our country’s ideals, not an expansive one. He’s a Constitutional originalist because he wants a world that looks more like the late 1700s than the early 2000s. He wants privilege for a few at the expense of freedom for the masses.  

We’ve seen the Dan Bishops throughout our history, standing in the way of progress to protect a corrupt status quo and often using religion to justify their positions. They tore the country apart in 1861 to protect the South’s racist feudal system. After they lost, the Dan Bishops riled up the lynch mobs even if they didn’t participate and then justified their actions. They established White Citizens Councils and segregationist academies. They promoted constitutional amendments to prevent people from marrying the ones they loved, despite claiming to be pro-family. 

We know Dan Bishop. He embraces hate and division to gain political power. We desperately need leaders who will bring us together. We should do all we can to stop him. 

Next up Tim Moore. Apparently, when I was on my sojourn, Moore announced he won’t seek another term as House Speaker. I’m not quite sure how I feel about this development. I don’t have any deep love for Tim, but I have great concern about some of the alternatives. As Speaker, he’s been a bit more moderate than the GOP as a whole, even if he’s been very conservative. He’s by nature a dealmaker, not an ideologue. 

That said, he’s also a bit corrupt. He left Kings Mountain a small town lawyer and made a fortune through his connections in the legislature. Potential scandals have swirled about him ever since he got to Raleigh but none have really developed. He’s smart enough to keep everything legal, even if it’s not necessarily ethical. He’s learned how to get what he wants because of his position, including other men’s wives. He follows in the tradition of George Plunkitt, the leader of New York’s Tammany Hall organization, who got rich through what he called “honest graft” and famously said, “I seen my opportunities and I took ’em.” That’s a pretty good political epitaph for Moore.

I don’t like Moore’s greedy ways, but I’ve also come to believe that they are just part of politics and no government anywhere is immune to them. I’d rather have a leader who is working the system in his own self-interest but also willing to cut deals than an ideologue who is pushing the type of hate and division promoted by the likes of Dan Bishop and Mark Robinson. Of course, Donald Trump embraces an all-of-the-above type of tyranny and corruption. 

Which leads us to the former president. Republicans who don’t like Trump but are terrified of alienating his base have landed on a talking point about his more recent indictment. Senator Thom Tillis explained it when he tweeted, “Every American, including President Trump, is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The latest charges brought by the Biden DOJ-appointed special counsel introduce some novel legal arguments that carry a heavy burden to show criminal conduct actually occurred.” The “novel legal arguments” line is doing a lot of the lifting. Conservative commentators have been pushing the notion that, while they might not like Trump, Jack Smith’s charges are outside of the mainstream and will require prosecutors to prove Trump knew that he was lying when he was pushing the election fraud bullshit. 

However, several lawyers and legal scholars pushed back.  In fact, former Trump Attorney General William Barr said he believed the charges were legitimate. New York University law professor and former special prosecutor, Ryan Goodman, notes that the charges have little to do with what Trump believed and everything to do with what he did. For instance, whether he believed the Big Lie or not, he was in violation of the law in trying to establish fraudulent electors. When he told the people gathered at the Ellipse to go to the Capitol, he was urging them to disrupt Congress to prevent it from doing its duty. That’s illegal whether he believes there was fraud or not.

Proving Trump knew he was lying will make the case that much stronger, but his actions are what are illegal, not his beliefs. As election lawyer Marc Elias explained, someone can believe they have $5,000 in a bank account, but if the bank tells them it’s not there, taking the money is robbery, regardless of what they believe. Prosecutors still have to prove that Trump is guilt and the charges are certainly unprecedented, but so were Trump’s actions.

Conservatives want to muddy the water. They know that what Trump did was wrong and probably won’t be sad if Trump is held accountable. However, they also want to keep their base mad at Democrats so they are making the case that the Justice Department is using “novel” charges to get Trump. It’s an attempt to have it both ways. Get rid of the drag on their party while making Biden and the Democrats the source of scorn. We’ll see how that works out.


  1. Wayne

    From the very beginning of the cocodog’s rebuttal, his essay veers into absurdity. For example, he asserts that ‘The modern Democratic Party believes in the dignity of man and right to make informed choices.’

    This is patently false, when one considers that Democrat operatives thru-out industry, education, the military, and the news and social media have made it their cause célèbre to attack, renounce, ‘cancel’, and just plain vilify anyone who doesn’t concur with the twisted narratives that the Marxist/Democrats support. Favorite topics–? Well, precisely as I noted—unrestricted access to abortion, normalizing, encouraging, and promoting homosexual (aka ‘gay’) marriages and relationships, and their most favorite topic du jour—transgenderism! ALL of these topics are fundamental aberrations in any society, but Democrats urgently seek to normalize them. These are not normal; they are all sociopathic delusions. Encouraging them merely serves to further erode the continuity of Western Civilization—which is precisely the point of Democrat/Marxism.

    The Democrat Party began an all-out assault on Western Civilizational values, beginning in the 1960’s. Radical Marxist student groups flourished across the country on college campuses, staging radical (and often violent) anti-war protests. Many of them—like the Black Panthers, the Weather Underground, and the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) were simply covers for terrorist organizations that organized with the intent of attacking police stations and Federal buildings (sound familiar?), all of it with the declared intent of initiating a Communist Revolution.

    These same terrorist clowns bullied, harassed, and threatened anyone who got it their way, and largely through sheer intimidation, managed to install pseudo-intellectual toadies into positions of authority and power in colleges and universities, and also into the corporate business world. Having captured control of these institutions and accomplished their intent to assert their authority, they began to install policies, programs, and initiatives which were designed to support their far-Left narratives, and—they have been successful. Their initiatives continue to this day. Want examples–?? How about ‘Critical Race Theory’. How about ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’. And let’s not forget my favorite—’The 1619 Project’—a compilation of sheer nonsense that was so full of lies that even respected historians had to politely debunk it!

    The Democrat Party spouts a good line, but it’s all a lie. Don’t feed me the nonsense about how your party is all about ‘the dignity of man’. Your entire history, from its very beginning, is awash in bigotry and racism, and to this very day remains predicated on the notion that minorities should simply shut up, toe the party line, and vote Democrat. Despite your screeching protestations, today’s Democrats have embraced Marxism, and by supporting concepts which contributes to the moral rot of our society, you are simply confirming that Democrats are never concerned with ‘the dignity of man’, but rather, with whatever will feed their insatiable appetite for power, control, and wealth. Democrats are their OWN worst enemy.

    • cocodog

      Wayne, you got stop reading that nonsense, it is damaging what reasoning power you have left. My response was not a rebuttal, it pointed out the discredited source of your dialogue.

      • Wayne

        Fine. Then we’ll refer to your screed as your ‘essay’. How’s that? Point being–like Democrats everywhere, you have no ready defense for the malfeasance, corruption, and sheer ineptitude of the Democrat Party, let along its most currently prominent members. This is a Democrat website; let’s focus on what the Democrat agenda seems to be at its core, and then (perhaps later) we’ll discuss the problems you seem to see with the Republican agenda. (and there ARE problems with it, to be sure). Democrats are bound by their own historical precedent, and it isn’t pretty. More and more, the voting public can see, and analyze for themselves, for what they perceive as gross incompetence and rampant corruption. This is not your gran’daddy’s Blue Dog party any more.

        • cocodog

          Wayne, using another’s words or ideas without giving them credit is not considered acceptable among serious thinking folks. If you like what you read in the “American Thinker,” then give the author of the article credit. Moreover, try not to confuse what is occurring before you. I and others are not attacking you personally, nor are we attempting to rebut your rants. All we are trying to do is expose the fallacies in your thinking. Not so much that we may disagree, which I personally do, but they lack credibility. Moreover, they make no sense. Here is a suggestion, drop the processor vocabulary tool. You cannot turn “a sow’s ear into a silk purse!” by big words. (Author unknown)

  2. cocodog

    When I see these conservative rants, an article published in the online conservative magazine “American Thinker” comes to mind. Specifically, a 2/3/2018 article written by Peter Skurkiss. Phrases like unrestricted abortion, homosexual marriage, transgenderism appear in the above mentioned Skurkiss article. There was also the notion the Democratic Party has Marxist goals. This is not true, nor has any creditable source proven it to be true. Marx lived at a time in history when there was a strict division in social class. The modern Democratic Party believes in the dignity of man and right to make informed choices. The founders wrote the First Amendment to allow folks to hear or read different views. However, perjury and fraud are simply not covered by the Constitution’s free speech clause, nor will they ever. Immensely popular Democratic programs are Social Security (signed into law by FDR) and Medicare (signed into law by President Johnson). Both are designed to allow seniors to live out their retirement years in dignity. Incidentally, both programs were opposed by Republican politicians. I suppose Republicans still cling to the notion, that if you are not rich, you don’t deserve to retire in dignity.
    The southern Poverty Law Center has referred to the American Thinker as “a not so thoughtful far-right online publication”.
    Following Trump’s defeat by Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election the American Thinker published articles addressing what it called fraud in the election process. Referred to in the press as the “big Lie”.
    When Dominion Voting Systems threatened a defamation action, the publisher publicly admitted that it had relied on “”discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories”.
    Republicans have referred to this process as arriving at “alternative facts” or as some folks have said “For those who believe, proof is not necessary. For those who do not, no proof is sufficient.” Of course, in the real world none of these thought processes makes sense, but it supplies the underlying hate needed to justify at least one conservative’s view that women’s health care is a matter for the state to control and those whose DNA defined them as gay should be treated as lesser human beings. Historically, this approach is not that far from unsuccessful attempts at human engineering by the Nazi Party. The Christian Nationalists would be happy if we adopt their ideals of religion and make it criminal not to follow them. Of course, this approach denies reality. This country was founded by folks with diverse religious views and backgrounds. It has been remarkably successful as a country where law, not men call the shots. The notion no man is above these laws is being played out in these Trump indictments. A jury consisting of folks with different religious views, some may be atheists perhaps gay or transgender and from every walk of life will hear the evidence and determine his fate. This is how we do things in this country and that will not change regardless of the irresponsible ignorant rants of folks who choose to hate as their motivating force.

  3. Wayne

    It has been noted (somewhere, by someone) that: “For those who believe, proof is not necessary. For those who do not, no proof is sufficient.”

    Today’s Democrat Party has deteriorated into a cesspool of collective ignorance by its believers. While Democrats enthusiastically accuse conservatives of possessing a veritable host of appalling faults, they are fundamentally incapable of comprehending that those very same appalling faults characterizes THEM instead! Without argument, it is astonishingly apparent that the depravity and anti-Americanism that is so prevalent in today’s Democrat Party has literally put our constitutional republic at risk!

    On social issues especially, it is the Democrat Party which is unquestionably the leading force of moral decay in America. It is the Democrat Party which champions perverse agendas designed to rot out the moral and ethical core of America, such as unrestricted abortion, homosexual marriage, transgenderism, encouraging racial conflicts, and a God-hating form of radical secularism designed to eliminate any recognition that our nation’s Founders designed our constitutional republic from a biblical framework. A notion such as that is simply anathema to today’s Democrats!

    Without question, Democrats corrupt every institution in the U.S. with these ‘enlightened’ concepts, from our schools to the military and everything in between. The one thing these radicalized initiatives all have in common is that they rot out the foundation of our Republic, and they undermine the sanctity of the family. That IS, in fact, a part of the definition of Democrat/Marxism, and it is no longer deniable.

    I snicker every time I hear a gasping talking head on the liberal mainstream news blather about how Trump, or some other Republican threat ‘du jour’, is a “threat to our democracy!” For Democrats, EV’rything about Republicans is a “threat to our democracy!” You clowns don’t seem to comprehend that ‘democracy’, per se, is a form of political discourse. What we ARE, as a nation, is a representative, constitutional republic. We are not a democracy. Constantly asserting it does not make it so, and it only serves to compound the already astonishing depth of your rank stupidity.

    Democrat/Marxists have been fomenting rage against America, American institutions, and American law for decades. Your constant, delusional bloviating against perceived threats to ‘democracy’, such as Dan Bishop, Tim Moore, or Mark Robinson has gone beyond pathetic. Without proof—since you don’t believe you really NEED it anyway—Democrats have been slowly and systematically destroying American democracy—i.e., political discourse–from the inside of their news media cocoons or their political offices for years, simply by claiming, without merit or foundation, that anything to do with Republicans simply MUST be racist, sexist, or patriarchal. You can’t see the log in your own eye, can you…?

    And then you—the Democrats—have the unmitigated GALL to claim to be the saviors of democracy? What a joke!

  4. cocodog

    To say that a politician is amoral describes a person who has no concern about whether behavior is morally right or wrong. Words like ethical, just, principled, decent, considerate of others do not enter their thinking. All that is important to an amoral politician is retaining their office or using the public trust to further their own personal interests. For example, the NC bathroom bill cost NC businesses millions in lost revenue, catered to a Christian Nationalist belief that government should repress any behavior that offends their beliefs. Of course, as a practical matter all states have laws in the books that mirror the Christian ten commandments. You shall not commit murder, steal, or bear false witness that can be found in penal codes throughout the nation and world. The bathroom bill was written to address conduct that NC had existing statures on the books that made unlawful. All the bathroom bill did was codify a belief. It protected nobody nor did it have criminal penalties. However, what the bill did accomplish was to offend major corporations that pulled their facilities out of NC resulting in job losses and major sporting events to be cancelled. Biship sponsored that bill. Trump rallied his followers and sent them to the capital to disrupt the lawful process of certifying the election results, knowing he had lost the election. His behavior was intended to serve his own selfish interests to remain in power. He lied to these folks; he violated one of the ten commandments “you shall not bear false witness.” A jury of his peers in a NY civil action, found him to have abused a woman. Conduct the judge in the matter called rape. Throughout the Christian Bible rape is condemned as an offense against God’s law. According to Deuteronomy 22:25-26, a man found guilty of rape is equivalent to murder. Yet, Republicans want to put Trump back in office. Even his former vice president has said an office he should be disqualified from holding. This brand of politician thrives on the notion he or she is fighting the evils of Marxism, socialism, and non-Christian behavior. Now Republican attack groups are creating by innuendo the notion Biden had an unlawful relationship with his child. The FBI investigated this accusation over a year ago and could find no veracity in that accusation. All these folks are doing is pouring water on your head and telling you it is raining.

  5. Wayne

    Let’s get a few things straight here:

    You say Congressman Dan Bishop is an ‘amoral man’…?? You’re convinced that Bishop is not concerned with the rightness or wrongness of something? Well, how about we discuss First Daughter Ashley Biden and her now-infamous diary, and her comments in her diary that Joe Biden took showers with her when she was a child?? Amoral…? Flat-out IMMORAL, is more like it! Joe Biden is a pedophile and a pervert! The diary exists—the diary entry exists, and is known to the media. Prove me wrong.

    One of the commentors to this article characterizes Bishop as ‘unhinged’, ‘anti-Democratic’ and a ‘Christian nationalist terrorist’. Clearly, for the purveyors of the perversion known as ‘transgenderism’, which the Democrat Party DOES whole-heartedly embrace, the moral and spiritual beliefs taught by the Judeo-Christian ethic are a threat to their Marxist agenda to eliminate religion entirely.

    For Democrats, Christianity and Judaism is not about transformed lives. In THEIR distorted minds, religion should be a ‘social gospel’, and should ONLY be in accordance with THEIR socialist/Leftist ideology. You can deny it—you can sputter and postulate that this is simply not so—but it is, and the daily drivel from the lamestream news media confirms it. The Democrat Party is the ones who are amoral, immoral, and saturated by a perverse ideology. Your own President and his demented, drug-addled son are the very proof of it.

    As far as the ‘MAGA Cult’ clinging to the ‘Big Lie’…?? If contending that a presidential election was stolen is illegal, where is Al Gore’s indictment? No Democrats have ever been charged for claiming that Bush was elected by hanging chads, for challenging his election both times in Congress, or for spreading lies and launching investigations for their false claims that Trump had been elected by the Russians, even when they did this in order to “create an intense national atmosphere of mistrust and anger.” (Democrat media’s words)

    Hard not to remember that, when Democrats spread lies about an election, they get book deals and evening slots on MSNBC, and sometimes, like Gore, they even get Oscars and Nobel peace prizes! What a racket! So now the Democrat clown show wants to criminalize any opposition to THEIR claims….? Democrats want to abuse existing laws and the criminal justice system in order to selectively target and imprison political opponents? Democrats are going to extreme and extraordinary lengths to criminalize political dissent, and given the staggering, publicly known corruption and criminal conduct of the Biden Crime Family, your preposterous, vituperative, and insulting characterizations of Republicans such as Dan Bishop are beyond pathetic. It certainly DOES, however, speak volumes about the disgrace and the depredations of today’s Democrat Party.

    • TC

      It exists. ‘A’ diary exists at any rate. Who wrote it remains to be proven. It was sold to Project Veritas for $40K. Gee, I wonder why? Not unlike the Bishop dossier on Trump in collusion with the Russians.

      There are millions of Democrats Wayne who are devoutly religious. My brother was a Baptist minister. My wife is part Jewish. What we object to is having religion, any religion, forced down our collective throats. That’s why there is no State sponsored religion and why we have a constitutional protection against it. We get to chose. And make no mistake, it is a personal choice. You know that. You know what will happen if religion is mandated. You have but to look at the middle east for an example of state sponsored religion. Christians would be and are not any different in their zealotry for their beliefs. And if we want to learn about the ills of fundamentalist zealotry, we have but to read about the middle ages, the Catholic Church through its middle years, or the Crusades. And we see what happens when Christians have full reign over the populace. It’s hardly what you would call “Christ-like.” And in that regard, yes; one extremist position begets another, doesn’t it?

      Lies? Well, as I remember, the Supreme Court halted the hand vote count by a 5:4 decision in Florida. That gave those 25 electoral votes to George Bush. George lost the popular vote but won in the electoral college. His margin in Florida was less than one half of one percent when the hand count was stopped and Bush declared winner. What you already knew but didn’t say. You also didn’t mention who certified the election that made George W. Bush the President. That was Al Gore. He was VP and President of the Senate. He certified that election and put George in the White House. He didn’t send protestors to the Capitol to try and overthrow or stop the process and challenge the very foundation of democracy. There is no equivalency there, there’s no comparison, there’s no, “Yeah, but.”

      Donald has already stated what he intends to do if elected. He is “retribution.” For himself. Not for anyone or anything other than. His rath will know no bounds. He said it again Friday on Truth Social, “If you go after me, I’m coming after you.” Veiled threat or promise?

      AND…all he has to do is shut the hell up. He’s running for President. Fine. Run. Shut the hell up about how life and elections are so unfair to you Mr. Billionaire, silver spoon in mouth whiner. If he did that the majority of his problems would go away. Well, follow the law too. He needs to do it, then brag about it. But he can’t. He doesn’t. He has things done for him. He’s never worked an honest day in his life.

      The master manipulator. He’ll be a big hit in prison.

      • cocodog

        Thanks TC. When will these Republican attack folks come to the realization, that lying is not part of being a good Christian. The Bible says, “You shall not steal; you shall not deal falsely; you shall not lie to one another”

  6. Mike

    More indictments are coming for Fat Bastard. Georgia is next (“I need you to find me 11,000 votes”, said the mob boss). He should have stayed in Trump Tower and fleeced the suckers from there, but his greed and stupidity won out.

  7. Stone Bow

    Thomas you’re spot on about Dan Bishop. He’s unhinged and he’s anti-Democratic. He’s a Christian nationalist terrorist. Buckle up for the Mark and Dan Show. A victory by either would be devastating for North Carolina.

    If Jeff Jackson reads this blog…duty calls. Please step up and take this SOB out. Jeff made a smart- and thoughtful- decision to not stay in the US Senate primary versus Cheri Beasley last cycle- and Thomas you called that one to the upset of his supporters. But it wasn’t Jeff’s moment. Now it is- big time. Beat Bishop and he’s in line to run for Governor at a very early age with a lot of upside to make a Sanford-like impact on the state. Such opportunities come by very rarely- and Jeff Jackson is the candidate meant to be in the ring against Bishop in 2024. I’m dying to write and raise on his behalf and am hardly alone.

    Tim Moore? I agree with most of your assessment Thomas. He’s been a moderate Speaker relative to the MAGA crowd. More of a traditional Republican and though I don’t ascribe to this politics, he’s been incredibly effective. He runs circles round the Democratic leadership- not even a fair fight. You say “corrupt” but offer no recepits. Perspective: the NCDP Democratic leadership knew exactly what Jim Black was up to and remained mum. Wayne Goodwin and Greg Lindberg? Nuff said. Corrupt behavior and decision-making are hallmarks of politics shielded by the partisan blinders we all wear.

    You didn’t mention Tinsel Tricia Cotham? Following her Spring 2023 wardrobe change, I predicted that her flat renedtion of “Lady Sings the Blues” was her just an opening number before she ran run for Bishop’s Congressional seat when he announced a run for NC AG- and I believe you predicted that? If so, with great angst, I expect she’s on her way to becoming a national influncer in GOP politics. None of ’em can carry a tune but they all carry heat. She’ll pair nicely with Lauren Bobert and Kyrsten Sinema. And Matt Gaetz is single.

    What about Tim Moore? Curious as to thoughts on what he’s got up his sleeve. Definitely a well-thought plan to advance his career. He is one clever tactician.

  8. JB

    If Fat Donny Two-Times wants to keep relitigating the 2020 election, we should probably borrow a line from Barack Obama and tell him “Please proceed, Donald.” The Big Lie is a loser for him, and a loser for the GQP. We saw it over and over, not just in the 60 failed lawsuits trying to prove their fantasy, but in the 2022 midterms, which — from a purely historical perspective — should have gone rather badly for team Blue, but didn’t.

    The MAGA Cult are the only ones who still cling to the Big Lie, and they are unlikely to ever let go of that myth. Because to do that would require them to admit they’ve been duped — conned by the most brazen con man ever. And nobody likes to admit they’ve been had. With some people that can actually be a way to reach them. “You got played by a pro. He’s literally made a career out of conning people, out of their money, their trust, and their votes. And he’s a pro at it, so really, it’s not hard to understand how he pulled you in. He pulled a LOT of people in. BUt whether you get OUT or not, well that’s in YOUR power. Not his.” This won’t work with the true cult members, but for the ones with a seed of doubt? Give them a way out that doesn’t include them feeling dumber than they already do, and you’ll have a convert.

    Wasn’t it Napoleon who advised “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”? Seems like good counsel here too.

  9. TC

    I didn’t know Bishop was running for AG. That sent a shiver up my spine. Not from a strict adherence to the law, but for all the likely and anticipated deviations from that his own beliefs are likely to fuel. Between him and the current supreme court, I might just have to dust off my tricorn hat and brass shoe buckles.

    Based on what I have heard and read over the last two days and comparing it contextually over the last 40 years, we seem to be at a crossroads. Not unlike the one referenced in a many a blues tune. Republicans have reached a plateau. A place that has been unknown to them, but dreamed about, since Hoover was President. With their eye on the prize, they have staked their entire game on Trump. He whose name should not be spoken, is the point man. All the eggs are in one basket; it’s all or none. Like it or not, everyone knew, deep down or superficially on the surface, what Donald Trump was and wasn’t. As President, he was all that and less. Donald Trump as Chief Executive was exactly what he’d always been in business. Problem is, you might be able to get away that in business. The rules and expectations changed dramatically; he didn’t.

    But Republicans can’t have their standard bearer adjudicated. Their biggest, brightest hope, if you’ll remember. So they cast about looking, saying, anything that will deflect on his behalf to get him elected. That’s what all this hinges on. That’s what is at stake. It’s everything or nothing. They either win big or lose everything they’ve worked for over the last 4 decades.

    If Trump wins, a lot of things go away. Democracy. His charges. Rights. Rule of law. Life as we know it. Pull out your driver license. How many of you have a gold star? That’s a federal identification thanks to the USA Patriot Act. How do you think that can be exploited to control you and your movement in this state or in the nation? We are now going to have to show identification to ‘prove’ who we are when we vote. Pat McCrory sent all of NC’s voter information to Washington not long after Trump ascended the throne. That commission was quickly disbanded, but what happened to that data? Is it in Mar A Lago or is it in Washington waiting to be used for some other nefarious purpose if he’s elected again? I don’t know.

    “President Donald Trump” are words that should never be uttered again. Not in deference to that office. If you think your vote doesn’t count or that it doesn’t matter, think again. If you have doubts about guilt or innocence, demand that cameras be allowed in the courtroom at his trial, to remove that doubt, reasonable or unreasonable.

    I have seen and heard things in the last 10 years that I never fathomed possible. From people that hold power and influence in this country and around the world. Make certain that what they do is the best interest of everyone, not just themselves.

  10. Wray

    Dan BISHOP is anything but one.

  11. Laura Reich

    It’s kind of frightening how so many Republicans believe all the lies. I’m guessing a lot is cognitive dissonance. As for Dan Bishop, please don’t let him become AG of NC!

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