

When I was driving across the west this summer, we passed by a number of rural casinos. The majority were sad looking places with large, half-empty parking lots. They were built full of expectation, with grand porticoes and high rise hotels. Maybe they’re bringing in...


I’ve got two topics on my mind today. The first is the Ohio vote last night that rejected an attempt by Republicans to make adding constitutional amendments more difficult. The election was really another sign that abortion is a potent issue that could threaten...
Running Against Trump as Trump Supporters

Running Against Trump as Trump Supporters

The Republican primary is hurdling towards anticlimax. Donald Trump, instigating tumult with his criminality, commands a position in the race that is effectively unchallenged. His motley assortment of hopeful opponents are all making decidedly flaccid efforts. The...
Trading Swing Voters for Base Voters

Trading Swing Voters for Base Voters

Congressman Dan Bishop announced recently that he is running for North Carolina Attorney General. A Machiavellian operator, Bishop carries himself with a touch of gleeful villainy. He joins a state ticket that will almost certainly be led by Donald Trump for...
Trading Swing Voters for Base Voters

Republicans on the move

There’s a lot going on right now so I may ramble. First up, Dan Bishop is running for attorney general. It’s no surprise and I’ve written about it before. Bishop is an amoral man. He spread the Big Lie, voted to overturn the election, and would have followed Donald...
Strike three

Strike three

The third indictment of Donald Trump has caused the most reaction. The first one was over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he had tryst. The second indictment involved hording classified documents. The one delivered yesterday has to do with trying to subvert...


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